Electric Car Technology

Electric Car Technology

October 23, 2020 0 By BusinessHubPoland

Al Gore’s documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, debuted 10 years back this calendar year. See what’s being done in the technology world to work to prevent the harmful effects of global climate change. It started with the industrial revolution. CO2 levels ARE higher now than they’ve been the past 650, 000 years. West Antarctica and significant ice sheets in Greenland DO possess the capacity of melting, increasing sea levels by 20 legs and causing 100 million refugees. 

On what have we all agreed?

What’s being done? Is there a plausible man made alternative, despite the technology world having just taken a stand since Gore’s movie debuted back from the year 2006. Last Nov in The climate change summit in Paris, Bill Gates debuted his coalition of 28 high net-worth investors, all being billionaire philanthropists. It’s goal is to decrease the cost of execution of energy plans. This past Earth day, 195 nations came together under the UN to sign the Paris Agreement. It was the very first time in history a global pact was made in relation to global climate change. Among the main goals of the arrangement is to stop the temperature by more than two degrees celsius exactly what the temperature patterns have been since the industrial revolution. 

Can technology solve our issues?

On the engineering side of things, the arrangement makes all the participating countries accountable for making financial decisions in authorities consistent with climate resilient improvement. Together, the group has vowed a collective $100 billion annually into providing preventative climate change technologies to underdeveloped countries globally. 80% of energy consumption globally comes from fossil fuels. Since 2006, renewable energy has grown to be cheaper than fossil fuel based electricity from many areas of the world. There’s now 7, 260 megawatts of direct current from solar energy in the U.S, 6, 800 megawatts more than 10 years ago. This is largely due to the rapid expansion of clean energy companies and ventures. 

Clean solutions are not enough

Today, 2.5 million people function in clean energy technologies jobs in the US and are now adding new jobs to That industry at a rate of approx. While this dynamic Chief executive officer appears to be at the cusp of everything future related, one could say that its greatest contribution to climate change currently would be his Tesla Inventions. These days, there are more than one million plug-in electric vehicles on the road throughout the world, and lots of this could be attributed to Musk’s vow for planetary health over capital gain. A couple of years back, he made the patents for his electric vehicles open source, making the right game for other car companies to develop fossil fuelless car models. Musk’s self-driving vehicles also work to the detriment of international warming, because of its reduction of gas emissions. His other initiatives such as Hyperloop and SpaceX function in ways to reduce our carbon footprint.